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- D i r e c t i o n s -
From Cold Lake
From Burher King you go west on hwy 55 towards La Corey. At Pro Steel turn right and go north on Hwy 897. Go North for a few km's then turn left on Twp Rd 640. Take the first left at 43101 Twp d 640 and head through the gates and up the access. Go SLOW as it is bumpy(on purpose) and lots of critters/kids can be present.
From Bonnyville
Whe you reach Bonnyville keep going east on hwy 28 and turn North on Hwy 892 at Ardmore. Go north to the traffic circle then head East on Hwy 55. At Hwy 897 turn north. Go North for a few km's then turn left on Twp Rd 640. Take the first left at 43101 Twp d 640 and head through the gates and up the access. Go SLOW as it is bumpy(on purpose) and ots of critters/kids can be present.

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